Beautiful Black Man
Hey Beautiful Black Man,
You’ve been on my mind heavy so, I wanted to write you this letter from my heart to yours.
First, know that I love you. I can only imagine what you are currently feeling. At the same time, I feel you. I can sense the pain, the anguish, the fear, and even the feelings you don’t know how to name. Black man, honestly, the entire world is currently feeling what you experience every single day.
I feel you.
It’s heavy. The weight you carry to put up the front that you’re strong and can handle your emotions. The mantle you uphold that was engrained in you at a young age that “men don’t cry”. It’s heavy. I can see the pain and exhaustion in your brown eyes. This world is against you at a high rate and wondering if a change will ever come is more than enough to want to give up on that reality. Black man, your visibility is still vital to this world. Don’t stop being visible.
I see you.
You are BEAUTIFUL black man! Your stature was built in the image of the only God who could create such beauty. The color of your skin can run as deep as royalty. The features of your face are heightened by the stone look that I see far too often these days because of the current climate yet, I still love it the same. Your eyes, your lips, your cheek bones, even the beard covered jaw line are all a precious sight to behold. One that I pray will never have to be defaced by those who are in place to protect and serve us. Black man, do you hear me? You are beautiful!
I hear you.
In the quiet moments when you think I’m too busy to notice, I heard you. I hear the sighs of relief when I walk through the door returning from work. I hear the exhales of frustration that you release after your eyes have witnessed yet another brutal death. I even hear the tears that you cry at night when you are so troubled in your spirit that the mantle of “men don’t cry” is completely thrown out the window and that is the only way the feelings you feel are able to be released. I hear the anger in your voice as you explain to others that the only way all lives will matter is if black lives are included. I hear the fear in your voice as you explain to the younger you how to carry themselves if he or she is ever approached by the police. Black man, even when you don’t notice, I notice.
I am with you.
As a black woman, I was created to be your partner. From the day we met, I have done all I can to let you know that I will always have your back. As much as it pains me, I will continue to hold my breath when you leave the house with a sweet whisper to God on my lips to protect you and bring you back home to me safely. I stand with you in solidarity to protect your very existence in a world that is so intimidated by the power that you possess, that their only way out is to try to take you out! Black man, please know, I am here. You are my person and I am yours.
You are safe.
With me, that is. In this time of uncertainty, your safety is of the upmost importance to me. Yes, I need you safe physically, but I also need you safe emotionally, spiritually and mentally. Tell me what you need. Talk to me about how you feel. I can handle it, give me the chance. I will wipe your tears, never judge them. Feel free to relax yourself in my arms and take rest in the comfort of my bosom. And if I am, for whatever reason, completely unavailable take heart in Matthew 11:28 where Jesus says…
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
Black man, my beautiful black man, I see you in George, Ahmaud, Eric, Walter, Tamir, Emmitt and countless others. These beautiful black men that we lost prematurely will forever be in my heart. I weep for the black women who agonize behind the loss of their black men, and beautiful they were.
I dare not leave the beautiful black women unmentioned that I know you are saddened that you could not protect and save. Atatiana, Sandra, Breonna, Korryn, and the other beauties who didn’t deserve their fate. For them, I stand proudly in my blackness in the face of those who don’t care to notice my worth based on the melanin I possess.
Black man, my sincerest prayer is for you to live a long life. My spirit is heavy, but I still have hope! The world is fired up on your behalf. I think this time that change will finally come. But if it doesn’t know that I feel you, I see you, I hear you and I am always with you.
From my heart to yours. We are in this together.
With Love,
Your Beautiful Black Woman
This letter is dedicated to my beautiful black man! I hope that you will be able to share this with others as well to express in portion or in whole how you feel about them!