Faith Walk pt. 2: For you, not me.

Hey Good People,

This week’s post is an unexpected continuation from our last post. I felt encouraged to dig a little deeper on a personal level concerning faith.

I have had an array of experiences concerning faith. However, one thing I have realized about my faith is, I find it very easy to have faith for someone else’s situation but when it comes to standing firm in faith for my own personal situation, I waiver. I question. I doubt.

I know that God is capable of doing some really big things in the lives of His people. I really believe that down in the depths of my soul… but that’s for you all to reap from, not me.


To be totally transparent, here’s an example: Over the past three years or so, I have had close friends of mine ask me to pray with them concerning conceiving and birthing children. My faith for these ladies and their families has been so high that I fasted and prayed with confidence believing that God would grant their requests of bringing healthy babies into this world. And just like I believed Him to, He has done it and is still doing it. My friends have given birth to beautiful babies and some are carrying the children we prayed for right now. Ain’t God good, yall? 

However, when it comes to me, I struggle believing that God will do the same in granting my desire for my husband and I to have children of our own. Crazy right? Thoughts of “What if I’m getting too old?”, “What if the financial plan we have is unattainable?”, “What if we have trouble conceiving”, “What if…” will bombard my mind and everything I talked about a couple of weeks ago in the first “Faith Walk” goes out the window. I stop trusting God for my situation. I no longer talk to my circle about my hopes. And I forget how faithful God is.

I realized this week why I fall into this cycle: I forget about my Bible. I don’t run to it when doubt tries to creep in like I should. The more doubt I listen to, the less I read the Word. The less I read the Word, the more I forget about what it says which ultimately leads to more doubt. However, this week as I took a look at some of the scriptures I shared last week and some of the verses you all shared, I was reminded of how faithful God is. Even when I’m not faithful to run to His Word, He is still faithful.

I want to encourage you with this: God is a promise keeper. There’s a blessing in believing that in it self. God will not go back on His promises and He has given us a huge book of proof that we can rely on… Rely on it, fam! When in doubt, read it. When worried, read it. When forgetful, read it. Even when you’re feeling good, read it! The scriptures are the fuel to our faith. They will keep the flames of trust and contentment burning in us.  

Let’s debunk the title of this blog; God’s faithfulness is for all of us. Walk in faith even in the small things because if He can do it for you all, I’m confident that He will do it for me. And if He can do it for me, He can most certainly do it for you!

Keep walking and always remember your portion has purpose.

With Love,  
