What 2018 Taught Me
Hey Good People!
2019 is only moments away. It’s pretty crazy that we’re here already. Overall, 2018 was great. Hard at times but great!
My husband and I made some faith moves this year. I turned 30… Ahh! I made a super scary decision to finally start this blog and my personal brand. However, if I had to pick one word as a theme for 2018 it would be the word transition.
Every aspect of my life went through a transition of some sort this year. Some of these changes were a lot harder then others but I’m learning that without transition there is no movement and without movement you’re going nowhere.
With this theme of transitioning in mind, here are five things 2018 taught me.
1. Relationships change. I will say this is the biggest lesson I learned in 2018. 90% of my relationships with through some sort of transition this year. “Hard conversations” was the theme when it comes to my relationships. I had to have some of the hardest conversations of my life with people that I love the most in order to keep peace. I also learned that I often give too much of myself in the effort to show myself as a good friend. Overextending myself without it being reciprocated proved to be unhealthy for me mentally and spiritually. Now, I do believe in giving freely as Jesus did. However, it is important to step back at times, allow for space in order to find solace and guard your heart. Even He did the same. I lost friends in 2018 and that hurt. In all of that, I’m learning that despite transitions in relationships, my worth is still ultimately set in Christ’s love for me. Relationships change but my love for people will not.
2. Fear should never be an excuse. In my experience, fear is a breeding ground for stagnation. Once I got over my fear, I saw movement that I had never seen before.
3. Perfection is not realistic. I’m a planner and organizer at heart. That can be an issue because I desire for things to be perfect in order for it to be presented to the world; including me. As much as I talked about being “real”, I would strive to present it in the most perfect way possible which was the opposite of the realness that I talked about. Realistically, doing it (whatever it is) can be enough. Don’t let perfection hold you back from doing the task. There’s a blessing in just doing it even if its not perfect.
4. Patience is a virtue. This Proverb came up often in conversations with my husband in 2018. We made some faith moves that I thought others wouldn’t understand. I thought these decisions would catapult us into our future goals but instead I quickly learned that even in making these decisions, a huge amount of patience would be required. Even this week, I had a moment of “EVERYBODY is passing me by and I can’t catch up!” But even in my weak moments, I’m grateful for the lesson of patience. She’s teaching me a lot about myself.
5. Jesus is a keeper. 2018 was the ultimate reminder of this. Regardless of the times my faith in Jesus wavered or I questioned His plan, He kept my family, my loved ones and me all year long! I’m forever grateful.
Overall, 2018 was filled with many lessons learned, overcoming fear, speaking my truth and trusting God through it all. God is gracious and sovereign and I am appreciative.
In 2019 I look forward to more growth in whatever area Christ sees fit. Contentment will continue to be my life’s aspiration and what I talk about in our posts. I encourage us all to trust God in 2019. Plan for the year, make your goals, pray over it and then trust God with it. Walk in contentment and the truth that God has a plan for you. 2019 will be a great year in Jesus’ name.
As always, remember your portion has purpose.
With Love,