
Hey Good People,

We made it to the last quarter of 2019! God is good!

I know, at the top of the year, many of you did what I did. You pulled out your planners and notebooks and wrote down your goals, aspirations, and desires to accomplish for the year. Or you bought some poster paper and pulled out some old magazines and created your vision board for 2019. This year, my husband and I actually created flow charts and excel spreadsheets for our combined goals as a married couple and our personal individual goals.

However you did it, a plan for 2019 was set out.

How is it looking? 

Have you met your goals?

Did some of your aspirations and desires change?

Did God completely demolish your plan with a plan of His own?

Have you even looked at your list lately?

Would you be happy right now with where you are if you were to pull out your list again? 

What if I told you that none of that matters? How would you feel if I encouraged you to not be discouraged by the items you still left to accomplish? Would you believe me if I said that even if you haven’t crossed one thing off your list, you have done enough?

A few months ago, I got caught up in the many items on my list of goals that were yet to be accomplished and crossed off. To begin with, I felt terrible that I hadn’t looked at my goal sheet in over three months. Then to see the things, which I had honestly forgotten I had written down, still waiting to be touched made it worse. In that moment I felt like a failure and thought that what I had written was all a waste of time. Then, like He loves to do, God whispered in my ear.

“Tamyra, you are enough.” (Yeah, He calls me by my full name, lol) That wasn’t it though; He then started to remind me of all the things I have accomplished this year that weren’t on my list to begin with. From starting an organization for women who are creative with two of my sister-friends to starting vocal training! I love how God shows up when we feel inadequate or less than because of something we didn’t complete or accomplish.

So, just like God reminded me, I’m reminding you… You are enough.

Yes, the Bible tells us to “write the vision and make it plain…”; Habakkuk 2:2, we should follow this instruction. However, this is what I love about it though; even if the vision is not carried out completely after it is written, we are still enough in Christ!

Being enough can cover many facets of life. God is big enough to cover it all! Even if we completely dropped the ball and got lazy with what we know He has given us to do, we are still enough in Him. Even if we tried our very best and nothing worked out the way it should have, we are still enough in Him. Even if we crossed off every goal on our list, thank God for grace and for being more than enough in Him!

I want you all to be encouraged in knowing that despite all that you have accomplished or the many things that you haven’t accomplished yet… You are enough because God says so. Your accomplishments do not define you or your worth.

So, go back to those goals. Be grateful for what you have been able to cross off but also rest in God’s grace of being enough when looking at the things that have not been accomplished yet. Take this encouragement with you through the rest of 2019 and finish it strong with the assurance that in Christ, you are enough!  

Be content and always remember your portion has purpose.

With Love,
